Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Crazy dreams lately..

Now since nursing school started, I have been  having some really intense dreams.
My dream was in color and very graphic. I think the news of my best friend being pregnant, and the last post that I read on Facebook was my sister's, is how my dream started.

It was more nightmare and more of some thing that would be in a horror show.

I was in the middle of my parent's house, and my mom and I were arguing because my sister was pregnant. My mom was calling my little sister various not nice names, if you get my drift. I was standing up for my sister .and her word that she did not in fact sleep with anyone and her pregnancy was miraculous. With that being said, within minutes her belly starts to protrude and become bruised and very gangrenous looking. She looks very ill, almost like she is on the verge of death, and slices her side open. There is blood every where and this creature crawls out. It looks like a 5 year old boy, pale skin, and black eyes. His lips have a very red and black tinge to them. His eyes are so dark and eerie, it sends chills up my spine. He mumbled words that put me down. Then, he fades away in the walls of the house. Its like the house engulfs him, and he is present but can not be seen.

I woke up this morning at 4:32am. I had to wake my husband up. I was so scared. What is the meaning of this dream.

It has occurred to me that I have a spirit of fear. I am really afraid of failing nursing school. I am NOT to live in a spirit of fear, but be COURAGEOUS and PERSEVERE.

Yea, that kid's face explains it all! 

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